A long time ago, I mentioned the company blog that Southwest Airlines has up and running. The folks at Nuts About Southwest have been opening up the company to their customers by their posting. This presents a fantastic opportunity for them to attract positive attention to themselves. A great form of advertising.
Now Insight's CEO is doing the same thing, via his Michael's Insight blog. Way to go!
It may sound strange, but the dialog Michael is opening up is already allowing me to disagree. Strange in the sense that disagreeing is actually a good thing (counter-intuitive to most liberals). Disagreement is what dialog is all about.
Michael's latest post at the time of this post's writing is about "Cable A-La-Carte - A Great Idea, or Is It?" You've seen Lady Colonel here post on the same opinion I have. Let the economy decide, not businesses. The economy decides thru what customers decide.
Let channels live or die thru a Darwinian "survival of the fittest"-like theory. With this, we could and probably will end up with less channels then now. So what. We don't need to be subsidizing channels with few watchers/listeners.
Let them stand or sink on their own. Yes, startups might need some cash to get going. But let's not let the cable customer be an unwilling venture capitalist, thru the bundling of channels. If a cable customer wants to help finance a new channel, there are other ways to invest for them.
Anyway, as far as the Insight blog goes.....way to go Michael! I think this is a great idea for Insight, as well as any other company.
-Colonel Steve
I suppose if you don't care what the results are, then you can let the free market sort it out and watch whatever channels survive. But what if few do? Isn't the idea for the market to let different business models evolve?
More on this topic on our blog. Suffice to say, I think you may be underestimating the economics involved in running a cable network.
Posted by: CableTechTalk | May 13, 2008 at 05:59 PM